Project Info
Name : Compare Apps
Product : App Ape Dashboard
Timeline : 2month(2sprint)
Platforms : Desktop / Responsive Web
Role : Product Manager
Tools : Sketch, Whimsical, Zeplin, Notion, Asana, Invision
Skills : User Interviews, Quantitative Analysis, Concept Development, Wireframes, Journey Mapping
This project, Compare Enhancement, is the second project divided from My Apps Project. According to the client feedback doc, enhancement on the Compare Apps feature will helps improve usability with better analytics experiences, and increase the number of visit to Compare Apps feature.
Compare Apps is placed as top three feature that Paid User, both Enterprise and Self-Service Users, uses the most for past two month according to this report. Although this project’s main target are Enterprise users, enhancing the feature, Compare Apps, will also flow to self-service users, which this could potentially contribute to lowering the churn-rate. The project is focus to increase customer satisfaction and the frequency of usage more than the active rate increasing.
Currently user can only compare up to 3 apps.
User wants to compare up to 6 apps at the same time.
User cannot save their compared apps although they are able to compare apps and store apps.
To increase retention.
To increase the frequency of visit
To decrease churn-rate
Preparing for the upcoming project: compare history
Compare up to 6 apps with Compare Apps feature.
Be able to save up to the 6 compared apps results
Increase frequency of use per 1UU of Compare Apps to Ave.20
※ Enterprise: 13.8, Self-Service: 16.7 - BI Tool
User Path (Overview)
User Path (Detail)
User Case:
User selects and compared 6 apps and then decided he/she wants to save the set to review at another date
User saves the 6 compared apps as a history so user will not have to always search for them
User saves multiple compared apps sets then goes into a meeting, user is able to quickly display the comparison and proceed with meeting (no one in meeting will have to wait)
User just want to be able to somehow save different sets of compared apps.
Use Case of Main Target
アプリパブリッシャー : 定常的に複数の競合アプリ、余暇時間を奪うという意味での隣接のカテゴリのアプリを、単体ではなく市場総体として、または比較された状態で確認をしておきたいというニーズがある。単体のアプリの数字だと、その数字が市場の動きと連動しているのか、そのアプリ独自のものなのかわからないし、比較しないと(特にDAU Rate、利用頻度など)いい数字なのか、悪い数字なのかもわからない。全く同じカテゴリの競合だけではなく、ターゲットが被る潜在的な競合も意識しているので、結果として比較対象のアプリ数は増大する。
Agency : Agencyはコンペを通していろんなクライアントへ提案を行なっている。特にアプリに関わっているクライアントであればアプリの市場調査から競合アプリの調査までApp Apeで行う。担当しているクライアントが多かったり、クライアント数は少なくても多数のアプリをする場合に常に特定のアプリにすぐアクセスできる状態にはしておきたい。App Ape含めた同種ツールの特徴でもあるが、推計値が実数とはずれるため、競合など複数アプリ内での比較のフォーマットでレポートを出すことが多い。